Fast Track Option
For those students who need to finish a course faster, or are unable to attend our regular classes, RWS High School offers Fast Track courses. Fast Track courses allow students to complete accredited high school courses, usually faster than our normal term. Where feasible, the course can be fitted to their own schedule. Fast Tracking does not mean taking short cuts. The logistics of Fast Track studies is to cover all the material of a given course in a shorter time frame, using the following parameters:

  • The program must meet the 110 hour requirement, specified by the Ministry of Education
  • There must be at least 10 hours of student – teacher one-on-one evaluation and planning time.
  • The remaining 100 hours must reflect the balance of the Ministry mandated 110 hours per credit. They consist of our normal scheduled classes, coupled with hours spent with our qualified tutors.

To reduce cost of tutoring, Fast Track students are encouraged to attend RWS’ regular classes as often as possible. We strongly suggest that tutoring sessions be arranged on RWS premises. However, if a student is unable to commute to RWS due to illness, disability or other issues, then, we assign a tutor to visit the student at his/ her expense. Assigned tutors work under direct supervision of a RWS teacher, who will ensure that our approved lesson plans are followed.

The RWS’ teachers set schedules for regularly monitoring and evaluating progress through quizzes, chapter tests, unit tests, projects, assignments and a final exam. These evaluations will be used towards the students’ final mark. Upon successful completion of each Fast Track course, the student will be awarded one credit.